function p=limitdist(P) %Obtain the stationary probability distribution %vector p of an irreducible, recurrent Markov %chain by state reduction. P is the transition %probabilities matrix of a discrete-time Markov %chain or the generator matrix Q. % From [ns ms]=size(P); n=ns; p=zeros(n); while n>1 n1=n-1; s=sum(P(n,1:n1)); P(1:n1,n)=P(1:n1,n)/s; n2=n1; while n2>0 P(1:n1,n2)=P(1:n1,n2)+P(1:n1,n)*P(n,n2); n2=n2-1; end n=n-1; end %backtracking p(1)=1; j=2; while j<=ns j1=j-1; p(j)=sum(p(1:j1).*(P(1:j1,j))); j=j+1; end p=p/(sum(p));