function [] = VanderPol() % VanderPol.m % MST 383/683 % Fall 2020 % % Function calculating and plotting the solution of the Van der Pol % oscillator using ode45 % % Code compiled from the ode45 documentation: % % Test out ode45 using a single ODE: tspan = [0 5]; % initial time = 0, final time = 5 y0 = 0; % initial condition [t,yy] = ode45(@(t,y) 2*t*y, tspan, y0); % dy/dt = 2t plot(t,yy,'-o') % Now approximate the solution to Van der Pol using ode45: clear mu = 1; tspan = [0 20]; z0 = [2; 0]; % two ICs needed for a 2nd order ODE [x0, y0] [t,z] = ode45(@vdp1,tspan,z0); figure, hold on set(gca,'FontSize',12) plot(t,z(:,1),'-o','LineWidth',2) plot(t,z(:,2),'-o','LineWidth',2) title('Solution of van der Pol Equation (\mu = 1) with ODE45'); xlabel('Time t'); ylabel('Solution y'); legend('y_1','y_2') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Creating a function inside another function creates a ~nested~ function. % % Variable values are automatically passed to nested functions - they turn % blue to indicate the value is shared across multiple functions. function f = vdp1(t,z) %VDP1 Evaluate the van der Pol ODEs for mu = 1 % % See also ODE113, ODE23, ODE45. % Jacek Kierzenka and Lawrence F. Shampine % Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc. x = z(1); y = z(2); f = [y; mu*(1-x^2)*y-x]; end end