GLEAM: Girls Learning and Exploring Applications of Mathematics
This is a program for middle-school students interested in exploring interesting topics in mathematics. Students from school districts in underserved areas of Minneapolis and St. Paul are invited to come to campus and learn about fun math topics they may not hear about in their school courses. In AY 2018-2019, these topics included voting theory, symmetries and the platonic solids through origami, fractals, and Eulerian graphs. To do this, we work with teachers at schools in area school districts, who help recruit students and teach the curriculum to their students while on campus. We hope this effort will build lasting connections between the university and area teachers, so we can work together to celebrate math with the next generation.
GLEAM was funded by an MAA Tensor Women and Mathematics grant for the academic years 2018-19 and 2019-20. I was the PI in '18-19, and the PI for '19-20 was Kathryn McCormick. If you're interested in the curriculum we used for the program, feel free to contact either me or Kathryn.
[ Main program website ]
GLEAM was funded by an MAA Tensor Women and Mathematics grant for the academic years 2018-19 and 2019-20. I was the PI in '18-19, and the PI for '19-20 was Kathryn McCormick. If you're interested in the curriculum we used for the program, feel free to contact either me or Kathryn.
[ Main program website ]
IMA-MathCEP Mathematical Modeling CampEvery summer since its inception in 2010, 30-40 students converge on Vincent Hall for an intensive week spent modeling! Students learn about the process of mathematical modeling and engage with authentic, data-driven problems. When they sign up, students are given brief descriptions of possible projects. The students form groups of 3-4, based on their preference for a project, explore or find relevant data, create and analyze a model, and validate their model results if possible. Although it's a jam-packed week, it's always a celebration when we get to final presentations on Friday!
Past modeling topics include:
This program is jointly funded by the U of Minnesota and the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. I joined the team in 2017 as the academic director. [ Main program website ] |
<run>:\the\world Machine Learning Camp
In June 2018, a group of about 20 high school girls came to campus learn machine learning concepts. Over the course of the week-long camp, the students learned about decision trees, support vector machines, and k-nearest neighbors, as well as necessary statistical background information and an introduction to Python. At the end of the week, they used some sample data sets to study problems like facial recognition and voting trends through the lens of some of the machine learning models they learned about.
This program was run through the Minnesota Center for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (MCFAM) in the School of Mathematics, and sponsored by Wells Fargo and C.H. Robinson. I was an instructor for the introduction to statistics and classification portion of the camp.
[ Main program website ]
This program was run through the Minnesota Center for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (MCFAM) in the School of Mathematics, and sponsored by Wells Fargo and C.H. Robinson. I was an instructor for the introduction to statistics and classification portion of the camp.
[ Main program website ]